WHY? ... Why shoot them? Why torture
them? Animal cruelty and its justification. I Cannot think it extravagant to imagine,
that mankind are no less in proportion, accountable for the ill
use of their dominion over creatures of the lower rank of beings,
than for the exercise of tyranny over their own species. The more
entirely the inferior creation is submitted to our power, the
more answerable we should seem for our mismanagement of it. (Alexander
Pope, The Guardian No. 61 [1713], "Against Barbarity to Animals")
Berine "If the Lebanese people are in distress
and in constant humiliation in this country, how can you ask of
us to help the animals..." There's a statement that we hear
several times every single day... However, we ask you, does that
make it "okay" to pour a tank of gasoline on a harmless
neighbourhood dog and light up a match and leave him to burn alive
as he screams and howls for his life... That is the sad but very
true story of Bernie, a mixed breed who used to roam the streets
of an area in Baabda where some of the neighbourhood people, fed
him daily and even put a dog collar on him thinking that might
keep him safe from harms way. One night around 2 am the neighbourhood
woke up to a loud wail and horrific sounds of shrieking. Witnesses
saw only bits and pieces of what they claim was a dog on fire
but everyone that night within a mile radius could hear the awful
screams of poor Bernie. Theo Theo is a white, 3 year old, male, Pekinese who was run over by a car and left in the middle of the road. He must have lost his way home and his owners were nowhere to be found. A lady by the name of Jo Laban from the British women's club saw Theo and tried to carry him but he tried to bite and hauled himself to the side of the road, fell in the gutter and couldn't move. Jo immediately called BETA for assistance. BETA was able to pull Theo out of the gutter. He was then rushed to the vet. He was treated for a broken jaw and leg. He also had to have a part of his mouth stitched up because it was torn open All recovered and back to normal, he's a very sweet, house trained Pekinese. Currently residing at BETA's dog shelter and looking for a home. He will be a wonderful pet, a life long friend! Julie Julie, a white, 5 year old poodle was living
a pleasant and spoiled life till her guardian died almost 3 months
ago and was left under the care of the guardian's sister. Care
would not be a good choice of words here because caring is not
exactly what the sister did. Julie was thrown on the rooftop of
the building with barely any food or water being constantly and
repeatedly beaten with a broomstick. The neighbours could not
bear the sound of cries that came from Julie everyday and wanted
so desperately to do something about it. At first, they were sneaking
up to feed her and when they realized it was not enough the young
man and his wife courageously took Julie one day when the sister
was not around and called BETA for assistance. |
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